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How to Become Differently Better

Don Reed - If your dealership’s new vehicle unit sales decline by another 6 percent, what does that mean to your bottom line? For those of you who own a franchise that is also losing market share, the decline is even greater...

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Remember The Importance Of A Personal Connection

Jason Ezell - In business, the most successful product is one that is not easily copied. The commodity that consumers consider the most valuable, and hardest to come by, is good customer service...

Staying Abreast Of Internet Evolutions: SEO versus VSEO

Sean Bradley - Traditional search engine optimization (SEO) takes at least four to six months to provide any true results or value. This is because each search engine is different and has different algorithms, which are rules or criteria of ranking...

Amato Autos All-Star BDC Does More Than Make Calls

John Carroll - “With the BDC in place, we picked up the pace. We felt we could run a little bit harder. Now we don’t have to train 28 salesmen on how to handle a phone call. We have professionals to handle the calls."

The Speed of Money

Scott Dreisbach - Have you ever wondered how one of your competitors always seems to be able to deliver more vehicles than you, how someone in your 20 Group was continuously selling 1-to-1 (or more) used vehicles to new, or how they grossed more per unit than you?

Risky Business: Choosing the Right Insurance Carrier, Coverage and Contract for Your Dealership

Steve Cline - If you want to protect your investment, you must consider the Coverage, Carrier and Contract. Dealerships invest significantly in both property and inventory.

Stop Wandering Around Your Advertising Expense

Dave Keller - One of the problems I see in many dealerships is the lack of motivation from the sales staff, both sales managers and salespeople, to actively and accurately determine what brought the customer into your dealership...

Driving The Web 2.0 Era: Consumers Are In The Driver's Seat Long Before The Sale

Rob Chesney - Retailers are responding by incorporating new elements into their Web sites. In fact, Gartner Research reports that 47 percent of respondents in a 2007 survey say they will integrate Web 2.0 features into their Web sites...

What Do Your Mailers Say? The Never-Ending Entertainment Of Direct Mail

Thomas B. Hudson, Esq. - If the customers who buy during an [employee pricing event] pay more than the dealership's employees, the dealership's mail become Exhibit 1 in an "unfair and deceptive acts and practices" lawsuit by a customer.

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Ask The Wrong Questions, Get The Wrong Answers

Dean Evans - The problem is getting what you ask for isn’t always a good thing. If you’re asking for the wrong Web site, that’s precisely what you’re likely to wind up with. Dealers manage to do this in two main ways...

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